its quite a long time gak la xupdate this's actually nk wat reconstruction n also trying to strategies everything back to the track..hoho..biasela anak muda kan impian menggunung ganang...we want to make this blog as our subz... n also long term business...tgk tu..baru je strt wat dh set vision like dat...impian besar u'oll doa2 kan la supaya impian kitaorg jd kenyataan ye...
yesterday kitaorg g wat survey kat The Curve..must b everyone notice that place kan...agak fames r tempat tu skrg nih..pusing sana pusing cni then stop at Borders...our fav places..hehe..lots of book there..misi kali ni nk cr sumber inspirasi so g la kat Business Communication Section..Tadaaaa!!! jumpe dah pun...
got 1 more sumber buffet...really wanna b like him 1 day la...but his principle quite strict to follow..wutever its is we juz is his book